Success Story With DJ Ramonê

March 31, 2020
Written by
Michael E. Ball
Success Story With DJ Ramonê

LSA Interviews DJ Ramonê!

What courses did you undertake at LSA and which tutors?

I went over for a DJ course. I graduated in the advanced DJ course with Olmo, Ben and Taylor. I also began the music production course with Ben.

How has LSA helped you after the course finished? 

LSA was so helpful during the classes. It got me comfortable with technics and music theory. One of the tutors and I stopped the music for a bit and tried to bring in something else into the class, like a conversation about the DJ universe and this was very helpful. After graduating, I had a lot of help from LSA to start off in the scene, those help was about creating opportunities for new DJs. There was an organic group of music styles in the gigs and lots of good networks with other DJs which already perform around the world.

Are you an active member of the LSA alumni?

Yes, I’m currently an active member of the LSA alumni and honestly, I enjoy it so much. We have a huge network base and also a lot of opportunities. LSA is a community where we can literally ask any question in terms of DJing and w will receive a lot of advice and learn with other LSA alumni daily.

When did you first start DJing?

It was a while ago, end of 2013 in my country. In that time we had a birthday of a friend, we then made a group of friends and DJ'ed the whole night. It was really funny, even without experience or relevant knowledge. We partied the whole night with songs that people were choosing, I was doing downloads instantly and even YouTube was one my tools to get songs ready to go!

Tell us about what kind of music you’re into and how it has changed over the years. 

So, right now I’m in the big room scene. Trance has been a big part of my sets in London as well. Between commercial and trance, I’ve been trying to mix something that makes people remind themselves of flash backs without loosing the vibe of clubs that arrange raves. Over the years, it has changed quite a lot, from the first time I decided to DJ till now. I went about many different styles of music. Here in London, I have been looking to work with house and tech because I used to think it was my kind of music to play, but, after practice and discovering how my set was bouncing the floor I started to make my sets with more trance and a lot of songs from the EDM side. Basically I’m just playing what I feel I am working better with.

Tell us about your first few DJ gigs or any notable DJ gigs you’d like to talk about? 

Well, I want to talk about a gig that I had with HD LIFE ENTERTAINMENT at Ministry of Sound, where I was supporting Tujamo and Sweiz. That one was my most memorable night DJ'ing, the club was very busy, I had lots of people dancing on the floor. When I saw TUJAMO, I started to think about years ago when I was downloading his songs and watching him on livestreams, Tomorrowland, etc... but the thing is that we were now at the same club, playing at the same party, I was just wowing for that. 

What are your DJ goals, aims, and ambitions? 

My DJ goals are to get into a notorious space of production, I just want to try to improve my abilities and inspiration for producing songs and bring it over to the clubs. Hopefully I can vibe the dance floor with that. My big ambitions as a DJ is play in festivals and build my own stage, I guess thats what I really crave is to build up my own style of stage.

Are you producing music?

I’m starting this process, I have done a few projects but they still don’t have the kind of quality I’m looking for, I’m very exited with production and look forward to get ready for a release. 

What would be a piece of advice you have for Beginner DJs?

I’m obviously a beginner as DJ and I don’t know if I can give relevant advice but here we go. What I advise for people who are like me, starting to DJ, is to be careful with their tracks quality, to look delicately how the tracks were mastered and if it’s mixable with the whole set, as well as to get focused in music production and “MIXING”. As DJ's we are handling so much more like marketing, social media rolls and lots of things to attach a name on the market, that’s what music is right now, a big market, however we must focus on music and mixing, who is able to produce good music is naturally moving forwards. We want to play good songs, mastered with good quality even if it's our own song or not. I would say for every single DJ to make the mixing part the main activity of his career, it does not matter where the gig is happening if it’s in a huge stage or not, the only thing which is gonna make the public have an interaction with the DJ is the way he’s taking the crowd on a journey. Also, one thing that I think is important into set planning is supplying the music demand, the way how i see it is that there’s always a demand of certain music, I mean, few people for sure will be expecting to hear their favourite songs, this is according to the genre of the DJ, of course, but the point is that one DJ set is not only about the DJ wishes, the public is  always waiting for their songs. The last piece of advice I would give is, be ready for the struggle, just try to prep the set as much as possible and do not be afraid about the struggle because when we choose one thing as a career it's normal to struggle at some point, but I’m quite sure that it’s momentary and on the next chance it can be better.

As extra, I would like to give a big thanks to the London Sound Academy team, and mention about the opportunity to be DJ'ing at Ministry of Sound, another big thanks for HD life entertainment. And for those who read this blog, follow up what is coming next and feel free to contact me about music and gigs. 

Click here to follow Ramonê on Facebook.

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Click here to follow Ramonê on Soundcloud.

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